Thursday, March 30, 2006

Buying that first gun.

Working full time with and around guns I have noticed that people rely a lot on the internet, gun rag magazines and their friends for advice. While all of these are a good beginning source don't let them be the sole determining aspect of your purchase.

Determine the specific use you want the firearm for: personal protection, target, recreation/plinking. Then decide the caliber requirements, 9MM should be the smallest primary gun caliber for personal protection, .22 make good target pistols and are widely used for plinking. The ammunition is inexpensive and can be obtained at almost any gun store.

Semi-automatic or revolver? For plinking and target shoting it will end up as a personal preference. As for personal protection I recommend a good semi-automatic. Todays quality (Glock, SIG, HK) semi-auto pistols are as relaible as any thing going. The extra magazine capacity is a plus and reloading is easier and faster than a revolver.

Next thing to do is go to your local gun range and rent various types of handguns to try. In the Atlanta area Ed's Guns and Tackle ( has a variety of the most popular handguns and rent them rather inexpensively, if you buy one from them the day you rent one they will even wave the rental fee, range fee and give you $25.00 more in range credit.

After you have chosen your new gun get some training. It is very important to start out in the right direction. I know most of us growing up in the south had someone show us how to shoot a gun. That doesn't mean it was exactly the right way, new laws and liability issues have risen since then. You will enjoy your new gun and get more form it if you learn the right way.

It always amazes me that one will spend $550.00 for a new gun and not invest a 5th of that in good sound training. They will then turen and purchase a $15.00 holster, a flappy old belt and no spare magazine carrier to go with it. Your gun and your life is worth how much???

Yes your support gear is just as important as the gun. The ultimate weapon is the brain use it wisely . As the old carpenters say "measure twice and cut once".


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