Sunday, September 21, 2008

Outside Carry verses Concealed Carry

First let me say I am a concealed carry advocate, but not to the point that I think it should be illegal. It is a long debate in its history and will inevitably be that way for a long time. I have read most all reasons why and why not, trying to reach a conclusion as to which is best and have come to one finally and why I feel the way I do.

Outside carriers say it is their right, granted I will agree with that, it is also you right to take that gun and go blow your brains out, after all who is going to do anything to you for doing it.

OC’ers say that it is faster, well on a square range shooting paper where you know where the target is, yes it is faster.

Oc’ers say that the bad guy may see the gun and decide to chose someone else. Maybe, maybe not.

Oc’ers say that it educates the public, sure it does.

I say it is not so much faster I the real world, in most any circumstance when startled you will react by being shocked orienting your eyes and maybe even your body to what ever it was that startled you, then you will have to formulate a response. The three R’s are how I refer to them. Then in that response phase, it may or may not have drawing a gun factored into it. If you immediately draw the gun and then go to the recognition phase, well in most states that is aggravated assault on who ever you drew and pointed your gun at. Also, if something did happen and as a civilian people may just thing you are the bad guy with the gun and point you out of give your description to the police. In any manner, all of that takes TIME so your 1-second draw stroke may not be so fast after all.

The bad guy may indeed see your gun and go away, after all it is a powerful tool in warding off evil spirits, or he maybe that super duper evil guy that wants your gun and just shoot you or stab you and take it.

On the education subject, I guess there is no real statistical data to go one way or the other, but from the people that I have experienced seem to think it is more freighting to the public than not. It draws unwanted attention form Law Enforcement as well as others. After all how many concealed carry guys do we see being asked to leave Home Depot or Lowes? When the police escort you out, and the police with your gun, what education did they just get, one that says guns are bad and the police are taking you away.

Now knowing we are all human we intermix with the public on a regular basis, in lines at fast food joints, gas stations, malls, and other public areas. No one can protect the gun at all times, carrying openly affords anyone the opportunity to simply reach out and take your gun, for whatever reason.

Concealed carry offers an element of surprise; it is more tactically sound for the civilian.

Comfort is an issue also, if your CCW system is not comfortable you have the wrong support gear.

I personally know of one gun that was snatched from the rear at a mall. I also personally know of at least one incident where being concealed did save the guys life and afford him the opportunity when to act, not react, we all know actions beats reaction every time.

Then there is the John Wayne mentality, I have a gun, I am big and bad don’t mess with me. I have seen it and experienced it more than one time. I know we responsible gun toters would never have that mentality

Some ask where the proof is that all of this can happen; I ask where’s your proof that it hasn’t. It is all-feasible and can obviously be seen as a risk, it just happens to be your choice, make the right choice.


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